Friday, January 22, 2010

Drink Your Veggies

Just like her sister Sarah, Caroline has discovered how good she feels after a refreshing drink of V8 juice.

I have found if you introduce this drink to toddlers, their little taste buds will grow to love it! Straws add extra entertainment but sometimes a red mess.


Deanna said...

Oh that is GENIUS! We'll for sure be trying that at our house.

Stephani said...

What a great idea! Do you think it would work for an 8 and 6 year old?

Erin said...

Great idea. I'm afraid that I wont be able to drink a V8!

Jennifer said...

You go girl! Amazing. My children have all turned up their nose at this.

Unknown said...

that is amazing.... just wanted you to know that I am STILL here. Always. Thanks for the emails. I love that I feel like I have a shoulder to lean on.



Amber said...

You are so smart! I'm totally going to try that!

Sheralie said...

Fabulous idea. I never would have thought of it. And, classic Sarah photo. I sure love when you have two children with similar poses.

Jana said...

I am going to try this with Tatum!! My older three are awful about eating veggies so I need a new plan for her.

Michelle Beus said...

That's impressive! Brigham likes the V8 Splash mix drinks, but a pure V8....Wow! :-) Good for you! Maybe I can convert my children from their 3 glasses of chocolate milk per day to a healthier choice.

Sheralie said...

I know I already commented but I started thinking about the other good eating advice you have given. My children have become carrot lovers with your idea of having a "crunching contest." Do you have any more eating tips? Maybe you should start a regular food column!