Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Welcome back Pumpkin Pete!

Thanks to the help of Caroline, Pumpkin Pete has once again returned to our front porch to celebrate Fall and the upcoming holidays.  It seemed so fitting to snap a few shots of my little decorating assistant.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Let the campaigning begin!

Maren and Nathan are hoping to be elected as members of the Student Council.  Their campaign posters will be displayed in the school for the next couple of weeks.  We'll be sure to post the election results.  Win or lose, our family will enjoy an evening devouring a double scoop of ice cream (with lots of sprinkles) while watching Monsters vs. Aliens.  Good luck Team Giles!

Monday, September 20, 2010

A Tender Mercy

I was standing in the hallway of our church meetinghouse when a beautiful four-year-old happily skipped by.  She glanced my way then gave me smile and friendly wave.  For a moment my heart sank, knowing that if Sarah were here she would be the same size, wearing a similar cute dress and shoes and most likely skipping too.  My moment of sadness ended abruptly as I entered a classroom full of twenty energetic two-year olds.  I was tackled by two of them with hugs, another was eager to show me her baby doll.  Who would have known that a heart could heal from a room full of beautiful, busy toddlers?

I am grateful for Sarah's little friends, that I can see them often and for a brief moment imagine her in their shoes.  I am also so fortunate to have the opportunity to serve the most precious, adorable members of our church congregation.  These little ones have blessed me with an abundance of love and have filled a portion of the hole in my heart.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bye-Bye Crib

Caroline is stepping up to a big girl bed!  I was not prepared to say goodbye to the crib this soon, but due to Saturday night's dangerous dismount we had no other choice.  I am not exactly sure how she got out of her crib, there was no crying in the night or obvious injuries.  In fact, on Sunday morning she greeted me at her bedroom door with a big smile.  I lifted Caroline back into her crib and asked her to demonstrate for me how she got out.  She proceeded to lift one leg over the rail and attempt a second jump.  We will have no more of this!  Whether I am ready or not, it is time to introduce this toddler to a bigger bed.        

So far we've had two successful nights and two long naps.  She is sleeping very well in her new bed.

There is plenty of room for all her favorite bedtime friends.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Two Years Old!

Today we celebrate the birth of our sweet Caroline Grace.  For the past two years this little girl has greatly blessed us with her love, hugs, spunky stubbornness, smiles, laughter, kisses and a whole lot more!   How grateful we are for her and all the happiness she has brought to our family.  

The birthday girl opened her gifts early this morning
A baby doll!

A new crib and high chair just for baby

Feeding baby her breakfast cereal

Rocking baby to sleep

Her tummy is full and she's ready for a morning nap

The little Mama reads one story before saying goodnight

Cupcakes and candles, Caroline's favorite!

A happy day of celebrating is now over.  Caroline is snug as a bug, fast asleep in her crib.  Tomorrow morning she will wake up ready to take on the world as a two-year-old.  Such an exciting year this will be! 

Click here to watch a video of Sarah holding baby Caroline. 
(Set to the music of "Baby Mine"--a favorite family lullaby)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Jim Bob

Nathan captured this large toad last night before bed.  He placed "Jim Bob" in the water meter box to provide him with a comfortable, safe shelter.  Nathan jumped out of bed this morning and ran outside to see if his toad was alive and well.  Sure enough, Jim Bob was just as plump and bumpy as the night before.  Nathan brought him into the house (I'm getting used to this), put him into the temporary toad home and once again left for school with a live amphibian in his backpack.  I'm hoping to get through the day without a phone call from his teacher.

This nurturing toddler is busy taking care of her baby today.  Completely on her own, Caroline designed this little nursery.  Notice the small blanket on the baby and the vase of flowers next to the bed.  She instinctively knows that a baby's room must be pretty!  What a good mama to also include in the nursery a toy and stroller for her tiny one.