I think we have a zoologist-in-training. Nathan has a definite eye for critters. In the past two weeks, he has captured two turtles from the small lake near our home. The first turtle, a diminutive fellow, was nicknamed Ted. It is now the pet-in-residence for Nathan's third grade classroom. It dines on regular meals of crickets from Petco.
Tonight, Nathan almost jumped out of his skin with excitement when he spotted this large turtle on the bank of the lake. After mustering up enough courage, he quickly scooped it out of the water as the turtle's head and legs quickly disappeared into its shell. "Wilbur", as this amphibian is now called, spent the afternoon in the Giles birdbath.
I'm so glad you posted a picture! John has been very anxious to know what Nathan's turtle looks like!
What a cute turtle(s). You're a good mom to let all those critters into your home. :-) I remember Nathan finding all the bugs at the hotel at our Texas trip two years ago. You were wise to pick the bug-themed bed cribbing when he was born. I love their field day pictures, too. Field Day Hero!..So cute. What a fun day for them.
What a nice Mom you are to embrace little critters! I guess turtles aren't too bad (he could be trying to collect snakes or alligators or something). I hope the turtles enjoy their stay at the Giles resort!
So cute!
Nathan, Good work! Aren't turtles the most amazing creatures? Heavenly Father has put so many different and interesting animals and plants for us to learn about. I think it is so great that you like turles. If I remember correctly, the bigger the turtle, the longer they live. I'm not sure what their shells are made of though. I'll have to ask you that next time I see you.
I like the names of your turtles also. Ted and Wilbur are fine turtle names. One of my favorite stories is about a turtle named Albert.
Love you!
My boys love seeing the turtles in the lake too... although I am fairly certain they would be too chicken to actually pick one up! :) So cute!
Wow! I am impressed with Nathan's turtle catching skills!
Wow Nate how did it get so big? I bet you guys are having so much fun with the turtle. -Amelia
Thanks for sharing those special moments of a proud 8 year old!
That is so awesome. Go Nate! Hopefully he doesn't move on to even bigger things like alligators. :)
So cute. He's such a handsome little man! Just watch those turtles, mine ran away when I was a kid! (no joke his name was Speedy!)
Maybe Nathan can keep his out for Bartok too (he escaped after the hurricane). That big turtle is amazing!
To Nathan:
When we lived in Texas, I was driving along one day, when I came upon a very slow moving creature. As I got closer I thought, that is one HUGE turtle. I was afraid he was going to meet his demise with all the traffic. Sooooo, I pulled over and ran into the traffic to save Mr. Turtle. When I went to pick him up he started snapping at me. I tried to reason with Mr. Snappy the turtle, but he just continued on snap, snap, snap. Cars started honking their horns at me! Golly!
So, I just got real mad and very brave and tried to pick him up. OH MY GOSH!!!!! What must Mr. snappy weigh? Another back injury I feared!!!
I gained all my strength and picked that big guy up, and hobbled him to safety. As I walked away he snapped at me one last time. So Nathan, you can help the turtles of Texas. I will help the sweet Box turtles of Connecticut.
May The Turtle Force Be With YOU and ME! Remember to wash your hands after handling them!
Auntie Tamara (I'm really not your Auntie, but that's what everyone calls me)
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