Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

I like you because you're friendly, playful, energetic, and most of all because you are my DAD! 

Love, Nathan
p.s. You make the best omelets!

I love you because you are REALLY nice, fun, and I'm glad that you are my eternal Dad!!!    

Your loving daughter, Maren
p.s.  I think you are the #1 Dad!       

Thank you for sharing your breakfast in the morning and reading stories with me at night.

Hugs and kisses, Caroline
p.s.  "Acht!" 

Sarah and her "Daddy-A" ~ Galveston Beach, July 2008

1 comment:

Madeline Mc said...

I just found out Caroline's favorite word acht just yesterday. I could not stop laughing!