Tuesday, July 14, 2009


As I watch Maren play with Caroline, I am reminded of the sweet relationship she had with her sister Sarah.

Maren with Sarah

Maren with Caroline


Mary said...

So sweet! =)

Giving In Blogger said...

How incredibly tender! What a wonderful sister Maren is. Sarah and Caroline are lucky.

Melanie said...

How good to know that Maren can still have a sister relationship. Those reminders are so hard and sweet at the same time.

Derek and Becca Theurer said...

That really is sweet. I love the pictures of Maren on the piano. I think that is the way Derek and I first saw Maren and Sarah. Maren was playing the piano and Sarah was just sitting by, listening. That is exactly what families should be like.

Sara said...

I love seeing those little glimpses into heaven through those tender moments together as a family.

Cherise said...

Those pictures are so heart warming.

Sheralie said...

I agree, Maren is such a good big sister. I think every girl needs a baby to help love. Sarah did the same for Caroline too, didn't she? Love to you all.

Stephani said...

Absolutely beautiful.