Sunday, March 8, 2009

Flowers and Sarah

Spring is here. Green buds are appearing on our trees, flowers are beginning to bloom and birds are chirping. The bright colors have replaced the bleakness of winter. This season brings a sense of hope and peace, rebirth and renewal.

Three months have passed since Sarah died. Flowers will always remind me of her. The Sunday before her passing I took her on a stroller ride around our neighborhood. We came upon a colorful patch of snapdragons. Sarah asked if I would pick some. I remember her request: "Pick the pink ones." We brought the flowers home and with a ribbon I tied them together and took a picture. Somehow I knew they would be the last we would pick together.

This week the snapdragons in our flowerbeds began to bloom, a sweet reminder of little Sarah and her love of flowers.


Kelsey said...

Now that is sweet. What a great reminder of her every day as you walk into your home. We love you, Sarah!

Stephani said...

The flowers are beautiful, as are your words about Sarah. Our thoughts are with you.

The Dragonfly said...

A beautiful reminder of your beautiful daughter.

Nancy B. said...

Thinking of you as I look out over a 'winter wonderland'. As a child, my dear neighbor showed me how to make snapdragons 'talk'. I always view snapdragons with a special affection. They remind me of sweet times too.

Carrie McEwan said...

Sarah will continue to bring beautiful moments such as this one. A beautiful flower representing a beautiful daughter of God.